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BVI Chamber of Commerce

Support a Business

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The word “Membership” has a long history. Its first usage was in 1614. But what does this word mean today? Does it mean being included? Being a part of something awesome? To belong? Does it mean commitment or community?

The BVICCHA is a non-profit organization (NPO) funded by memberships and event fundraisers. In fact, 55% of our income depends on memberships each year. The remaining 45% relies on fundraising efforts. Like other registered NPOs, the Chamber was hit square in the jaw by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. BVICCHA started this year with a bang! We saw a huge increase in membership in the months before the country closed down, more than we have seen thus far.

For all of 2020, maintaining our NPOs operating costs have been solely dependent upon membership dues.  While the Chamber works closely with the policymakers to ensure protocols and programmes are in place to safeguard locals and visitors alike when the borders reopen, all local businesses were closed down over two months and far too many have been affected for over four months. Many of these businesses do not have the extra money to pay for their Chamber membership for this year. This is something the Chamber completely understands and encourages any business to pay bills that cover their individual operating costs to keep their doors open and business running. We, however, do not want to lose our members. Without them, there cannot be a BVI Chamber of Commerce and Hotel Association.

We have offered 3-6 month deferments to those businesses that are struggling, but there is a way you can help. Make a difference in our business community: adopt a business and pay their Chamber membership dues (or a part of them) this year.  We have almost 250 members currently registered with us. Over 50 of them have signed up this year. This is a strong indication that our businesses are proud to be a part of something good, they value the benefits that Chamber membership offers, and they desire to be a part of a group that works together and supports each other. These members want to remain with the Chamber and I am sure they would appreciate the help. Plus, this will help the Chamber continue fighting your causes and empowering, educating, and equipping you with everything you need to be successful and to grow.

Can you help out? Besides shopping locally (#BUYBVI), supporting a community business with a membership donation is another positive way to assist our businesses’ recovery efforts. If you are willing to adopt a business for BVICCHA membership, please contact me at (284) 345-3513, or send an email to Membership in the BVICCHA allows you and others to continue to be a part of something great. Come and join us!

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